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السبت, 23 أيلول/سبتمبر 2023 07:21

Gov. Greg Abbott: ‘I’ve never seen a president flout the laws of the United States as much as Joe Biden’

كتبه  By Admin
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Thursday night on “Hannity,” Sean Hannity spoke to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott about President Joe Biden’s actions involving the southern border.

Abbott said the ongoing complaints from Democratic leaders like New York City Mayor Eric Adams about migrants without legal status being bused to New York are just a fraction of the issues Texas is facing.

Abbott said that if New York state is going to get $12 billion in federal funding for immigrants, “Texas should get $120 billion.”

“We’re the ones that have to deal with this every single day,” he said. “We have a president who is an obstructionist to Texas.”

Abbott added that after all of his efforts to manage the border crisis, “we have Joe Biden interfering with my efforts to secure the actual border. I’ve never seen a president flout the laws of the United States as much as Joe Biden, and I’ve never seen someone like that obstruct a governor who actually is trying to limit illegal immigration into our country.”

Abbott then accused Biden’s Border Patrol agents of cutting down the razor wire that the Texas National Guard had built for months to keep people from entering the United States illegally.

Link : https://www.forbesnewstoday.com/gov-greg-abbott-ive-never-seen-a-president-flout-the-laws-of-the-united-states-as-much-as-joe-biden/

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