قال الله تعالى

 {  إِنَّ اللَّــهَ لا يُغَيِّــرُ مَـا بِقَــوْمٍ حَتَّــى يُـغَيِّـــرُوا مَــا بِــأَنْــفُسِــــهِـمْ  }

سورة  الرعد  .  الآيـة   :   11


" ليست المشكلة أن نعلم المسلم عقيدة هو يملكها، و إنما المهم أن نرد إلي هذه العقيدة فاعليتها و قوتها الإيجابية و تأثيرها الإجتماعي و في كلمة واحدة : إن مشكلتنا ليست في أن نبرهن للمسلم علي وجود الله بقدر ما هي في أن نشعره بوجوده و نملأ به نفسه، بإعتباره مصدرا للطاقة. "
-  المفكر الجزائري المسلم الراحل الأستاذ مالك بن نبي رحمه الله  -


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الثلاثاء, 24 تشرين1/أكتوير 2023 04:54

Former US Rep. Justin Amash's Relatives Killed in Israeli Bombing

كتبه  by daniel mcadams
قيم الموضوع
(0 أصوات)

As one commenter on Amash's thread pointed out, Saint Porphyrius Church "symbolized coexistence. It's worth noting that this church is located near the Jewish Quarter in Gaza as well."

Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church is the third oldest existing Christian church in the world, standing very nearly since the time of Christ. Another commenter on Twitter added that "Gaza’s oldest church the Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius"...was a refuge for at least 380 civilians. At least 40 have been reported dead and more searches continue among the rubble."

Earlier this week Israel is accused of bombing al-Shifa hospital in Gaza - the only Christian hospital in the Palestinian enclave - and hundreds have been reported killed in that attack. While Israel has denied responsibility for that bombing, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak told the BBC that Israel was "determined" to destroy the hospital.

Additionally, Israel today demanded the evacuation of yet another hospital in Gaza, the Al-Quds Hospital, claiming that it was also on the bombing list. As The Cradle reports, an evacuation is nearly impossible as "the hospital is treating over 400 patients and sheltering 12,000 displaced civilians."

Link : http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2023/october/20/former-us-rep-justin-amashs-relatives-killed-in-israeli-bombing/


قراءة 315 مرات آخر تعديل على الثلاثاء, 24 تشرين1/أكتوير 2023 05:03

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