قال الله تعالى

 {  إِنَّ اللَّــهَ لا يُغَيِّــرُ مَـا بِقَــوْمٍ حَتَّــى يُـغَيِّـــرُوا مَــا بِــأَنْــفُسِــــهِـمْ  }

سورة  الرعد  .  الآيـة   :   11


" ليست المشكلة أن نعلم المسلم عقيدة هو يملكها، و إنما المهم أن نرد إلي هذه العقيدة فاعليتها و قوتها الإيجابية و تأثيرها الإجتماعي و في كلمة واحدة : إن مشكلتنا ليست في أن نبرهن للمسلم علي وجود الله بقدر ما هي في أن نشعره بوجوده و نملأ به نفسه، بإعتباره مصدرا للطاقة. "
-  المفكر الجزائري المسلم الراحل الأستاذ مالك بن نبي رحمه الله  -


لنكتب أحرفا من النور،quot لنستخرج كنوزا من المعرفة و الإبداع و العلم و الأفكار

الأديبــــة عفــــاف عنيبـــة

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اصــــدارات الكـــــاتبــةاصــــدارات الكـــــاتبــة

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إبحـث في الموقـع ...

  1. أحدث التعليــقات
  2. الأكثــر تعليقا

ألبــــوم الصــــور


مواقــع مفيـــدة

rasoulallahbinbadisassalacerhso  wefaqdev iktab
الإثنين, 12 كانون2/يناير 2015 14:30

Determine your finality (2): The FINALITY in the Quran

كتبه  Dr Mohamed Baba Ammi
قيم الموضوع
(0 أصوات)

Allah teaches us to say before each prayer: “I have turned my face toward him who created the heavens and the earth, as one by nature upright, and I am not of the idolaters”. So this verse shows the direction and the finality religiously. In each work I do, my direction is toward Allah, and I am in harmony with the heavens, the earth, and all creatures, in their turning toward him.

Allah teaches us to say before each prayer: “I have turned my face toward him who created the heavens and the earth, as one by nature upright, and I am not of the idolaters”. So this verse shows the direction and the finality religiously. In each work I do, my direction is toward Allah, and I am in harmony with the heavens, the earth, and all creatures, in their turning toward him.
Therefore, my finality and my direction are toward Allah.
And as an application of this meaning, I announce that all the work I do, be small or great, some or a lot, short or long, is for Allah, the one, I don't associate anyone with him, and this is the meaning of his words: 
“say: Lo! My worship and my sacrifice, and my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds”.

Whenever you begin a work, say:
“I have turned my face toward him who created the heavens and the earth, as one by nature upright, and I am not of the idolaters”, and ponder its meaning, then recite Allah’s saying: “say: Lo! My worship and my sacrifice, and my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds”. 
Say Bismi Allah – in the name of Allah -, and then start your work.

Quoted from: ‘Determine your finality’ 
by Dr. Mohammed BABA AMMI

قراءة 2304 مرات آخر تعديل على الخميس, 25 حزيران/يونيو 2015 19:53

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