قال الله تعالى

 {  إِنَّ اللَّــهَ لا يُغَيِّــرُ مَـا بِقَــوْمٍ حَتَّــى يُـغَيِّـــرُوا مَــا بِــأَنْــفُسِــــهِـمْ  }

سورة  الرعد  .  الآيـة   :   11


" ليست المشكلة أن نعلم المسلم عقيدة هو يملكها، و إنما المهم أن نرد إلي هذه العقيدة فاعليتها و قوتها الإيجابية و تأثيرها الإجتماعي و في كلمة واحدة : إن مشكلتنا ليست في أن نبرهن للمسلم علي وجود الله بقدر ما هي في أن نشعره بوجوده و نملأ به نفسه، بإعتباره مصدرا للطاقة. "
-  المفكر الجزائري المسلم الراحل الأستاذ مالك بن نبي رحمه الله  -


لنكتب أحرفا من النور،quot لنستخرج كنوزا من المعرفة و الإبداع و العلم و الأفكار

الأديبــــة عفــــاف عنيبـــة

السيـــرة الذاتيـــةالسيـــرة الذاتيـــة

أخبـــار ونشـــاطـــاتأخبـــار ونشـــاطـــات 

اصــــدارات الكـــــاتبــةاصــــدارات الكـــــاتبــة

تـــواصـــل معنــــــاتـــواصـــل معنــــــا

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الثلاثاء, 06 تشرين1/أكتوير 2015 09:11

Why Saudi Ties to 9/11 Mean U.S. Ties to 9/11

Media interest in Saudi Arabian connections to the crimes of 9/11 has centered on calls for the release of the 28 missing pages from the Joint Congressional Inquiry’s report. However, those calls focus on the question of hijacker financing and omit the most interesting links between the 9/11 attacks and Saudi Arabia—links that implicate powerful people in the United States. Here are twenty examples. When two of the alleged 9/11 hijackers, Khalid Al-Mihdhar and Nawaf Al-Hazmi, came to the U.S. in January 2000, they immediately met with Omar Al-Bayoumi, a suspected Saudi spy and an employee of a Saudi aviation company. Al-Bayoumi,…
الثلاثاء, 06 تشرين1/أكتوير 2015 09:08

Through The Ocean, Windows

This really is a Copernican revolution. Look out over the ocean we were talking about when we set out. The ocean is the window, and the windows are the ocean. We have reached the end of our journey, but our initiation is not yet over. And besides, these are only the first steps on a never-ending journey that is always new and that we always have to begin again. But there are still a few visions on the other side of the ocean: the windows are so similar, with the transparency of their glass, the edges of their frames and…
الثلاثاء, 06 تشرين1/أكتوير 2015 09:03

Alabama, Birthplace of the Voting Rights Act, Is Once Again Gutting Voting Rights

It was Alabama that brought the country the Voting Rights Act (VRA) because of its brutality against black citizens in places like Selma. “The Voting Rights Act is Alabama’s gift to our country,” the civil-rights lawyer Debo Adegbile once said. And it was a county in Alabama–Shelby County–that brought the 2013 challenge that gutted the VRA. As a result of that ruling, those states with the worst histories of voting discrimination, including Alabama, no longer have to approve their voting changes with the federal government. After the Shelby County decision, Alabama’s strict voter ID law, passed by the GOP legislature in 2011, was…
الثلاثاء, 06 تشرين1/أكتوير 2015 07:58


Quatre siècles ou presque… Quatre siècles que les astronomes observent la planète rouge et y découvrent, ou croient y découvrir, de l’eau, de la vie, de l’eau, de la vie, chaque décennie ou presque… La recherche de l’eau liquide sur Mars, vieille comme la lunette de Galilée, est consubstantielle à celle de la vie, les biologistes s’entendant tous pour dire que sans ce solvant miracle, qui fait la spécificité de…
الثلاثاء, 06 تشرين1/أكتوير 2015 07:52

"Pourquoi écrire "Samachna ?

La publication par épisode de la nouvelle « Samachna » est terminée. Pourquoi avoir choisit "d’écrire "Samachna ? Parce que tout simplement je suis une femme et j’imagine l’ampleur du défi posé aux femmes Afghanes ! Ce n’est pas mince du tout. De pouvoir, sortir, apprendre, s’aventurer à risquer sa vie à chaque sortie, une fois c’est l’occupant étranger, une autre fois les gaffes du régime en place, d’autre fois la vindicte populaire sans…
الثلاثاء, 29 أيلول/سبتمبر 2015 11:40

Islam is a Code of Life

1. Spiritual Life Islamic prescription: Prayer, fasting, charity giving, pilgrimage, love for God and His Messenger, love for truth and humanity for the sake of God, hope and trust in God at all times and doing good for the sake of God. 2. Intellectual Life Islamic prescription: True knowledge based on clear proofs and indisputable evidence acquired by experience or experiment or by both. The Quran points to the rich sources of knowledge in the whole universe.Islam demands faith in God on the basis of knowledge and research and leaves wide open all fields of thought before the intellect to…
الثلاثاء, 29 أيلول/سبتمبر 2015 11:36

REPORT China’s Great Climate Leap Forward

ina’s announcement that it will launch a national carbon-trading market in 2017 and give $3 billion toCH developing countries to help them fight climate change underscores the sea change that six years have wrought for the world’s biggest source of carbon pollution. It also means that China, nominally a communist country, is using a capitalist approach to solve a devilish environmental problem, while the United States, the second-largest emitter, is stuck with top-down regulations and government mandates to try to achieve the same goal. Presidents Barack Obama of the United States and Xi Jinping of China announced the new measures at a…
الثلاثاء, 29 أيلول/سبتمبر 2015 11:33

The Harsh Lessons of History: Faux Reports of Progress Against IS

Allegations that American military analysts may have “cooked the books” to skew intelligence assessments about the campaign against Islamic State (IS), providing a more optimistic account of progress, are a sign of bad things to come.Bad intel leads to bad decisions. Bad intel created purposefully suggests a war that is being lost, with the people in charge that loathe to admit it even as they continue to stumble forward, ever-more blind. And if that sounds like America’s previous war in Iraq, or its earlier one in Vietnam, you are not wrong.A Pentagon Inspector General’s investigation into allegations of overly optimistic…
الثلاثاء, 29 أيلول/سبتمبر 2015 11:29

Bee tongues tell a tale of climate change

The growing list of the ways in which climate change is reshaping life on Earth has an unusual new addition: shorter bee tongues. Over the past 40 years, warmer, drier weather has reduced flower populations in some regions of the Rocky Mountains in North America, forcing bees to work harder to find nectar. At the same time, bee tongues in those regions have got shorter, according to a study published in Science[1]. The change to the bees’ anatomy probably arose because longer-tongued bees tend to be picky eaters, dining mainly on nectar from deep flowers, says lead author Nicole Miller-Struttmann, an…
الثلاثاء, 29 أيلول/سبتمبر 2015 08:56

Unité des Prophéties

Il est utile au début d'introduire l'idée du Coran sur les prophètes, et qu'ils sont selon un seul modèle, et ils sont venus avec un seul message, et que leur  nation est une seul nation, et nous mentionnons ici des paragraphes du Coran qui prouvent cela : (Nous avons envoyé Noé à son peuple et il a dit Ô mon peuple adorez Dieu vous n'avez aucun autre idole que lui)[Al aaraf…
الثلاثاء, 22 أيلول/سبتمبر 2015 12:12

From Iraq to Ireland: Heather Flowers and Mutual Human Experiences

After more than one month of travels, I come back to you with thousands of faces, tears, smiles, and stories. I come back dragging behind me heavier luggage filled with old and new wounds, joys, and deep human connections from remote corners of the world that at first glance seem like foreign places, until we dig a bit deeper beneath the surface. As I open my diary, my eyes fall on the now drying heather flowers one of my new Irish friends handed me as a token of friendship and remembrance of the countryside, the wilderness, the small towns, and…