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الأربعاء, 11 تشرين1/أكتوير 2023 06:55

A conflict in holy land is religious above all between Zionism Judaism and Islam

كتبه  By Afaf Aniba
قيم الموضوع
(0 أصوات)

All American administration with UE deny a religious character of the conflict in holy land ...in fact we 1 billion muslims I mean, are against zionist occupation of our muslim land PALESTINE 48 AND 67.

As spouse of Italian diplomat said me in 2005, West colonial establishment sell our land to Zionist movement, which still consider Palestine as their country from Prophet Moise to prophet David and I can refute their false conviction : Islam is the last and true religion, Islam should inherite Palestine and not at all Zionism Judaism.

West since 1948 deal only with Arabs government in the case of Palestine, and forget that arabs regimes are not representative of one billions of muslims. Are West ready to fighting Muslim world about Palestine ? Are  a West ready to pay a high price about their biaised support to Zionism ?

West now is in decline, are they ready to make another great mistake to declare us war ?

I wait their answer.

قراءة 324 مرات آخر تعديل على الأربعاء, 11 تشرين1/أكتوير 2023 07:28